Intellectual property
The source code, the graphic designs, the images, the photographs, the sounds, the animations, the software, the texts, as well as the information and the contents that are collected in this website are protected by the Spanish legislation on the rights of intellectual and industrial property in favor of TRIMAN NAUTIC and the reproduction and / or publication, in whole or in part, of the website, nor its computer processing, its distribution, its dissemination, nor its modification, transformation or decompilation, or others are not allowed rights legally recognized to its owner, without prior written permission from it, TRIMAN NAUTIC.
The user, solely and exclusively, may use the material that appears on this website for personal and private use, and its use for commercial purposes or to engage in illegal activities is prohibited. All rights derived from intellectual property are expressly reserved by TRIMAN NAUTIC.
TRIMAN NAUTIC will ensure compliance with the above conditions and due to the proper use of the contents presented on its web pages, exercising all civil and criminal actions that correspond to it in the case of infringement or breach of these rights by the user.
Company data
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the identification data of the company are set out below.
Nif / Cif: 53580804G
Registered Crta. Rota Km.0,2 C/Los barcos S/N (Chipiona).
Telephone: 616 577 891
Please take special care not to throw anything in the sea or leave waste on the beaches, places and boats. Always collect and collect all the trash and then deposit it in the corresponding containers. We work so we can enjoy the sea forever, take care of it with us.